5820 Main St Ste 104, Williamsville MMA HYPNOSIS


Master Saghafi


Master Saghafi is a scientist, an engineer, a certified hypnotist, and a grand master in Tae Kwon Do on Master Mind.

Master Saghafi shares with his clients a methodology for a life change that he has developed over nearly four decades, using coaching, martial arts philosophy, and hypnosis. Success via the power of the mind is not a matter of magic but the practical application of productive thoughts and positive perspective.

Nevertheless, the outcome seems magical. A personal note For the past 40 years, I have researched and studied human behavior and various personal needs, desires, and problems that we all share.

My research ended with this question: “What is the best method that I can use to share my life with you my findings, and how can we improve ourselves and mankind?”

From the truck driver to the lawyer, the construction worker to the salesperson, the physically disadvantaged to the emotionally disturbed, one key fact stands out: everyone with the dream, drive, and desire can improve their quality of life.

You can change from a life of bad habits, ill health, and chaos to a happier, more successful situation, a transformation to healthy living habits and good physical and mental health. You can find a new life of peace and serenity.

I leave you with these thoughts: Live every moment of your life to your potential. Exercise your body and mind. Do not follow the path; go instead where there is no defined path and leave a trail.

Master Mind Advanced Hypnosis

Master Mind Advanced Hypnosis is the world’s leading provider of hypnosis-based peak performance conditioning and behavioral modification, helping you to achieve your goals.

We are motivated and dedicated to helping people in their quest to be their best and achieve their health and wellness goals through the power of Master Mind Advanced Hypnosis.

Our unique approach combines modern scientific research with centuries-old techniques to provide our clients with the most effective method possible. We have helped thousands of people with weight loss, smoking cessation, stress management, sports, and more.

Our vision is to help people achieve their fullest potential through hypnosis-based combined with other modalities for maximum results. As a premier buffalo hypnosis clinic, Master Mind Advanced Hypnosis is here to help individuals maximize their potential. With this opportunity to change your life, you will be introduced to the concepts and methods of advanced hypnosis.

Mastery Method is practiced by Master Saghafi, who has taught physical and mental wellness at the State University Of New York at Buffalo and is the man behind Master Mind Advanced Hypnosis of Buffalo, NY.

How do I get started? The real question is, are you truly ready to become a nonsmoker? If you genuinely want to make that a reality, contact us now, and we can make it happen. Call me at 716-836- 7777, or contact us by using the form below.

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